Pictures from 2006

Jen's Dress.
Jen's Dress.
Jen's Dress.
Jen throwing pots Jen is quite a potter. Here she is using her Christmas present to make a tea cup. It appears that someone she knows really wants a tea cup to have tea party with his stuffed animal friends that he's had since he was a little lad. He hopes to be able to invite the queen to the gayla event.
Pot, pot, pot And another, I don't often take decent pictures of Jen, I was on a roll!
She can really toss clay. Pots
pot NExt I need to take some pictures of the finished product.
Jen and I take out pinballing seriously. Jen playing TOM
baller In the hood she's known as a real pin-baller.
I too enjoy the gleeming ball. JOhn Pinball wizard
New Painting Jen and I bought a new painting for the house.
Here is another picture of the painting. More painting
Painting Oh look another.
Jen made this tea cup for a friend at work's daughter, I think her name is Sally or something. Tea Cup
More of the tea cup She's going to be so excited. YEAH SALLY!
Here are the BMC '06 pictures. Geek ON!! BMC Images
My 1st neice Here is beautiful Chloe my first neice. And her big brother Sammy.
Here is Harry and his boyfriend, they got all dirty Harry and his boyfriend

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