How important are you? Is it a life or death situation that you are contacted in a moments notice? Will thousands of people die if someone can't talk with you? No ? Then why do you have a cell phone?

Seriously I see the use of cell phones, people that travel a lot from location to location might find it handy, not that a pager won't get the message across that Joe-bob wants to talk with you but what ever. I've met people that obviously need a cell phone they have a thousand people calling them all day long with important information that needs their attention immediately so things will get done, I cry for these poor sods that are so busy with work. Also a cellular phone is good incase of emergency, if I had a loved one that did a lot of driving late at night in bad areas of town then I would feel better if they had a cell phone in case of emergency.

Children don't need cell phones. If a parent gives a child a cell phone that child should be taken away from the idiot. You can't baby sit with a cell phone and the idea of anyone that can't drive a car, owning a cell phone is obscene.

College students don't need cell phones, sure if they are in the car late at night and need a "incase of emergency phone" then fine but they don't need them in class! It's amazing, every semester the classes are held to what is known as a "schedule" a person that enrolls in these classes can be pretty damn sure that each day for a couple of months during school time they will be held to a "schedule" So what if someone brings a phone to class because they take the bus to and from that far away parking lot and they are afraid that the phone will get stolen or maybe damage in the heat…in this case they are probably smart enough to know how to turn the damn thing off so the next part isn't for you. At times going to class for me can take an extreme amount of will power. So once I'm in class I try to listen to what the teacher says. A baby crying in the back is the only thing that could be more annoying then a cell phone ringing. The problem is that the cell phone rings once and everyone starts looking around cause in a class of 200 if 25 idiots own cell phones and have them present then they are all looking around to see who's cell phone is ringing and whether that person is cool enough to have a cell phone like them. It takes the second ring for schmuck-o to realize that their phone is the one that is ringing and now unfortunately for the rest of us the mentally deficient idiot now has to think and discover exactly where the phone is on their person, is it in their pocket? Nope. Is it in their coat? Nope. Wait! It must be in their bag…all along the phone is ringing and ringing, now by this time the professor has asked a couple of times for whoever's cell phone is ringing for them to please stop it. Finally the ass has found the phone and now has to make a decision, answer or shut it off. Now for those of you poor souls that happen to answer a cell phone in the middle of class a warning to you, some day I will go crazy and when I do you will be at the top of my people to kill list.

Cell phones are not useable in crowded bars. They are not status symbols. I can go buy a cell phone for less money that a decent cigarette habit would cost me, owning a cell phone doesn't make you cool. Therefore walking around a loud crowded bar shouting into your phone, repeating yourself is useless! Every knows that you have called your answering machine, yet again, and no one cares. If your trying to score cause you have a cell phone then loose the cell phone and spend the money on a cheap whore, she'll care about what ever you want for 15 minutes and you don't have to get a brain tumor doing it. And don't worry anyone that would get picked up by someone cause they had a cell phone will most likely charge you in the morning anyway. Cell phones are yet another mechanism of the devil and should be banned for the good of humanity. They cause brain tumors, who want's a brain tumor say, "I". Ok now eat the battery in you cell phone and for the good of the rest of the world die.
Here are the responses that I got from this message...

"1 concept: Cellular-activated Pager-triggered nuclear devices by 3rd class mail. ...also, if a chick sees you with a cell phone she's pretty much guarenteed to suck your dick. I'm serious, happens all the time. It's part of the cellular phone user manual. ..hehe....nice rant... "(this comment is from scott "daddy bought me a cellphone and now i pimp bitches with it" lear)